Lambent gears of war
Lambent gears of war

lambent gears of war

  • Came Back Strong: Turns out Adam's weapon didn't kill the Locust after all, or at least not all of them.
  • Gears Tactics reveals that these masks were designed by Ukkon, and are how the Locust control their creatures.
  • Cool Helmet: While some Locust wear interesting looking helmets, it's far more prevalent among their Beasts Of Battle, almost all of which wear specialized masks.
  • We've tagged them Locusts since this degree of death has only been seen in times of plague. Scientist: Frankly, other than the fact that they want to kill every man, woman and child out there, we know nothing about them. Summed up nicely with the following quote from an anonymous scientist who first named them. In fact, the only reason they were called Locust was because humanity knows nothing about them and the amount of death and destruction they cause can only be associated with some type of plague.
  • Call a Smeerp a "Rabbit": Despite their name and hive societal structure, they're very clearly not insects.
  • Initially carved out by the Riftworms and corpsers, the Locust gradually expand it to contain their entire civilization.
  • Beneath the Earth: The Locust Horde lives in a massive tunnel network beneath the surface of Sera known as the Hollow.
  • They're descendants of humans who were afflicted with Rust Lung (an early form of lambency), who were genetically spliced together with the DNA of Hollow creatures by rogue COG scientists to create a breed of Super Soldier to win the Pendulum Wars.
  • Belated Backstory: We only really learn their true origins in Gears 5 and Gears Tactics, long after the majority of the Locust Horde either went extinct or became the Swarm ( Tactics may occur during the war, but it is a Prequel).
  • Bee People: Locust society is structured with a Queen at the top, and lots and lots of disposable drones.
  • Always Chaotic Evil: They're vicious monsters who regard humans as mere cattle.
  • Their motives for this were revealed in Gears of War 3: the Lambent were overwhelming the Locust in the Hollow, and after Adam Fenix failed to find a solution, Queen Myrrah invaded the surface to make a new home for the Locust as they continued their war, not believing that humanity could be trusted. The Locust invaded the surface of Sera six weeks after the end of the Pendulum Wars, beginning a war that would result in the death of 99% of the human population.

    lambent gears of war

    They use a variety of bio-engineered beasts for transport, construction, and war. — Chief of the COG Defense Staff, General Bardry Salaman describing the LocustĪ race of subterranean humanoids that live in the Hollow, a massive network of tunnels beneath the surface of Sera.

    Lambent gears of war